Please note, the $100 Application fee is non-refundable.
Admission Requirements
- Applicants must provide valid proof of identification. (government issued photo identification)
- Applicants must be at least 17 years of age. If a student is currently enrolled in high school, transcripts with passing grades and parental permission is required. Prior to enrollment, USHR will seek a training agreement with the student’s school district. Otherwise, a completed high school transcript, a high school diploma, or the equivalent GED is required as prescribed by Utah law. (See Rule 152-34-4 (3) of the Utah Administrative Code.
- Applicants must fill out the Enrollment Agreement, Disclosure Statement, Distance Education Self Assessment Form, and pay the deposit of $1,500 and non-refundable $100.00 Application Fee.
- Applicants must have a good working knowledge of English, both reading and writing.
- Applicants with a foreign high school diploma: the translation and evaluation of the credential must be performed by an outside agency that is qualified to translate documents into English and confirm the academic equivalence to a U.S. high school diploma.
- Students who were previously enrolled but have withdrawn from the program can re-enroll based on administrative approval. Applicants must start the enrollment process over and pay all associated fees applied to a new applicant.
- Applicants must be at least 17 years of age. If a student is currently enrolled in high school, transcripts with passing grades and parental permission is required. Prior to enrollment, USHR will seek a training agreement with the student’s school district. Otherwise, a completed high school transcript, a high school diploma, or the equivalent GED is required as prescribed by Utah law. (See Rule 152-34-4 (3) of the Utah Administrative Code. USHR accepts a copy of a college transcript showing completion of an Associate’s degree or higher in lieu of a GED, high school transcript or high school diploma.
Equipment and IT Requirements for distance learning
The student will need to have a computer, laptop or tablet and access to high speed internet. In addition, the student must have the ability to open the theoretical portion through the link provided. You may use one of the following browsers in their latest publicly released version: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge.